西慕案例 | 观夏外滩,一间女作家的书房


In 2024, the essence of To Summer permeates the Somekh Building on Yuan Ming Yuan Road in Shanghai. Here, the brand has crafted a writer's study for women. Much like Eileen Chang's novels, often completed in her bustling city apartment amidst the passing tram bells, in the study crafted by To Summer, the writer is accompanied by a room filled with fragrant aromas

书房的一隅,是观夏为展示高山系列产品保留的位置。采集自云南景迈的自然茶叶,通过高山系列,将远山的广阔、深沉和灵气带到了城市。为了更贴切地表达这一系列与自然大地的丝丝关联,设计师选择了Cement Design 艺术水泥的“自然系列”作为墙面覆盖

In one corner of the study, there is a reserved space for To Summer’s showcase of the Highland series products. Sourced from the natural tea leaves of Jingmai, Yunnan, the Highland series brings the vastness, depth, and spirit of the distant mountains to the city. To better express the subtle connection of this series with the natural earth, designers have chosen Cement Design's “Nature Collection” material as the wall covering

“自然系列(Nature Collection)”,从自然中汲取灵感,通过在材料中添加各类木材颗粒和植物纤维,包括:栎木、榄树、椰树、藤条及其他草本纤维,使饰面成为优雅与有机的完美结合

The “Nature Collection” draws inspiration from nature, incorporating various wood particles and plant fibers into the material, including oak, olive, coconut, rattan, and other herbal fibers. This blend creates a surface that elegantly combines gracefulness with organic elements

远看,Cement Design 材料呈现的暖黄色让空间显得私密且柔和,在这样的氛围下,客人更愿意卸下随身的物品,在水池边慢慢体验产品与肌肤的接触,感受被慢慢唤醒的自然之灵

From afar, the warm yellow hues of Cement Design materials create an intimate and gentle ambiance in the space. In such an atmosphere, guests feel more inclined to unload their belongings and slowly experience the contact between the products and their skin by the poolside, sensing the gradually awakened spirit of nature


Upon closer inspection, the natural plant fibers scattered across the wall are arranged in a sparse yet harmonious manner, reminiscent of the untamed growth of tea tree branches on the mountainside, exuding a powerful and timeless vitality with wild abandon


We sincerely invite you to visit To Summer on the Bund. In addition to experiencing the products, why not take a moment to touch those uniquely textured walls with your hands and feel the intimate connection with the mountains








Project Category: commercial space


Project Address: Shanghai

材料:Cement Design 自然系列

Material: Cement Design Nature Collection


ONOAA STUDIO 建筑室内设计事务所由陈鹏和高雅在上海成立。设计项目覆 盖办公/零售/商业空间以及多可能性的创意空间。




Cement Design 祝您元宵节快乐!


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