西慕案例 | 印际首发 x 麦驰设计“静谧之家”



Architecture is not just a combination of four walls and a roof, but an expression of human spirit. This set of works designed by Maichi is full of love for life and pursuit of human spirit. Not only focus on external forms of expression, but also on internal spiritual significance. Whether it's hard furnishings or small interior details, Maichi Design has poured great effort and enthusiasm into them.



材料是建筑的皮肤和骨架,也是最直接、最纯粹的表达方式。设计师使用浅黄和煦的暖色 Cement Design 材料覆盖了整体的墙面,包括客厅、卧室和厨房,与空间里的木色纹理自然融合。轻松、素净、沉稳的色调,让居住空间变得简单,简单到为无形的时间也留出了位置。拙朴的墙面质感在阳光下泛出深深浅浅的肌理,转瞬即逝的四时流转,通过映在墙面的光影,在这里沉淀。

Materials serve as the skin and framework of architecture, embodying its most direct and pure expression. The designer employed the warm and gentle Cement Design material in a light yellow hue to cover the entire wall, spanning across the living room, bedroom, and kitchen, seamlessly blending with the natural wood textures in the space. The relaxed, clean, and steady colour scheme imparts simplicity to the living space, creating a serene atmosphere that even allows room for the intangible passage of time. The unadorned texture of the wall, bathed in sunlight, reveals subtle and profound patterns, capturing the fleeting changes of the seasons. Through the interplay of light and shadow on the wall, a sense of tranquility and the timeless passage of moments is beautifully preserved.




In this project, Maichi cleverly integrates natural elements into the building, integrating the residential area with the surrounding environment. The hard decoration design of residential buildings is concise and clear, with coordinated and unified proportions, giving people a comfortable feeling.




 The layout of the residence also fully considers the living habits and needs of the residents. Each functional area is reasonably divided, maintaining independence while ensuring spatial coherence and fluidity. The interior decoration is simple yet tasteful, complementing the natural environment outside.



厨房采用的 Cement Design 材料与木色调的搭配,让餐客厅之间无缝链接。使整个空间凝聚成一个完整且温暖舒服的场域,无论是小酌休息还是友聚一堂,都能在满足功能的基础上,得到心灵上的放松与舒展。

The use of Cement Design material in the kitchen seamlessly connects with the wooden tones, creating a harmonious link between the dining and living areas. Consolidate the entire space into a complete and warm and comfortable field, whether it is for a small drink or gathering with friends, it can achieve spiritual relaxation and relaxation while satisfying its functions.




The bedroom, serving as the central resting area, continues the serene colour palette from the living room and kitchen. The aim is to ensure that the homeowners can enjoy a tranquil and high-quality sleep. At the same time, there are also enough clothing and hat storage areas and dressing tables in the bedroom, which can be easily and conveniently completed from grooming to changing clothes.




The final presentation of this project is like a simple and elegant painting, showcasing endless tranquility and harmony. It is not just a living space, but also an energy field that can provide people with peace and harmony at all times, allowing them to relieve fatigue and rest fully.




Design Company:MATCH DESIGN
Project Category: Private House Project
Project Address: Beijing
Design Director: Jin Yongsheng,Yin Zhiwei
Photography Team:BIJISPACE Pan yufei



Match Design



The business scope of Match Design Firm covers residential design, commercial design, and full-case management. The main designers, Yin Zhiwei and Jin Yongsheng, have more than 22 years of experience and have completed more than 100 highly acclaimed space design projects in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Sanya and other places across the country. They insist on creating ideal homes for every owner with delicate humanistic observation and high-standard delivery.


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