西慕 | Cement Design 的定制化品牌材料分享计划

Cement Design,作为一个质感独特且专于定制的材料品牌,其独到之处不仅在于其超薄的厚度无缝的连续涂抹特性可用于外立面及湿区的防水性能等等实用特征,更在于其为设计师们提供了无限的创作可能性,使得他们可以打破传统的空间界限,创造出更富有层次感和艺术感的表达

In modern design, material selection is a key element in shaping the identity and atmosphere of a space

Cement Design, as a uniquely textured and custom-oriented material brand, stands out not only for its ultra-thin thickness, seamless continuous application, and practical features such as waterproof properties suitable for facades and wet areas but also for providing designers with infinite creative possibilities. This allows them to break free from traditional spatial constraints and craft expressions that are more layered and artistic

然而,不论是在设计展会、上海展厅,亦或是日常与设计师的深入交流中,我们都观察到一个共同的现象:许多客人对于Cement Design材料的潜力心生向往,却因对这一材料并不那么了解,仍在观望

However, whether at design exhibitions, the Shanghai showroom, or in daily discussions with designers, we have observed a common phenomenon: many clients are intrigued by the potential of Cement Design materials but, due to a lack of understanding, are still hesitant about whether to use them

考虑到上述情况,Cement Design 团队为您提供定制化品牌材料分享计划。无论您是建筑事务所、设计工作室或是有具体项目的个人业主,如果希望进一步了解Cement Design材料,欢迎在本微信公众号留言,我们将尽快与您取得联系,并根据您的具体需求安排线上或线下的材料分享会


In consideration of the above circumstances, the Cement Design team offers a customized brand material sharing program for you. Whether you are an architectural firm, design studio, or an individual homeowner with specific projects, if you wish to learn more about Cement Design materials, feel free to leave a message on this WeChat official account. We will promptly get in touch with you and arrange a material sharing session, either online or offline, based on your specific requirements

The content of the sharing session will include: material explanations, brand introductions, key case studies, material recommendations based on your existing projects, and the preliminary formulation of material budgets, among other topics

当然,坐落于静安区现所一期108-109的Cement Design Space上海展厅,也随时期待您的预约参观。展厅内陈列着更为全面丰富的质感样板,供您现场体验,启发创作灵感

Of course, our Cement Design Space Shanghai showroom, located in 108-109, No. 60, Lane 273 Jiaozhou Road, Jing 'an District, is always ready for your scheduled visit. The showroom showcases a comprehensive range of textured samples for your on-site experience, inspiring the creative ideas


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