西慕案例 | 如恩作品荣登美国《建筑实录》: 布坊 - Ms MIN 零售空间


Cement Design一直致力于帮助设计师创作永恒的作品,这次与如恩设计一起,为品牌Ms MIN打造了一处零售空间。项目灵感以“纺织”为起点,回归纺织的传统与精神。设计师在空间中充分利用多种材料,建造出一个充满诗意的家庭布坊场景。


这其中,Cement Design艺术水泥以独特的自然拙朴质感,被应用于空间四周墙面,为诗意氛围的打造增加了一抹恒久意味。


Cement Design has always been dedicated to helping designers create timeless works. In collaboration with Neri&Hu, we have crafted a retail space for the brand Ms MIN. The inspiration for this project stems from the world of 'textiles,' embracing the traditions and essence of textile craftsmanship. The designers have utilized a rich variety of materials in the space to construct a poetic fabric store scene.


Within this context, Cement Design's coating, known for its unique natural and rustic texture, has been applied to the walls surrounding the space, adding a touch of enduring significance to the creation of a poetic atmosphere.




由如恩设计的Ms MIN零售空间荣登世界权威建筑设计杂志《建筑实录》(Architectural Record)2023年9月期刊。拥有130年历史的美国《建筑实录》被认为是建筑史的“记录”,亦是美国建筑师学会(American Institute of Architects, AIA)的指定建筑读物。


Ms MIN Retail Space designed by Neri&Hu is featured in the September 2023 issue of Architectural Record, one of the most authoritative architectural design magazines in the world. With a history of 130 years, Architectural Record is considered to be the "record" of architectural history, and is also designated as a magazine by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). 







"虽然电子商务正在逐渐吞噬实体零售业,但线下购物所带来的体验仍是无可替代的;当陈列的物品和展示它的建筑空间互相呼应,相辅相成时尤其如此。在Ms MIN谧思旻的太古里店,如恩的设计与Ms MIN谧思旻的品牌个性相得益彰。"


——莱奥波尔多·维拉迪, 《建筑实录》资深编辑


"While e-commerce is steadily consuming the retail realm, there is no substitute for the tactile experience and happenstance discovery offered by in-person shopping; this is especially true when the objects on display and the architecture displaying them so clearly echo the same values. At Taikoo Li, it seems Neri&Hu fits Ms MIN like a glove."


-Leopoldo Villardi, senior editor at Architectural Record





Sheer fabric screens, photo by Zhu Runzi






Textile literally means "that which has been woven," derived from the Latin word "texere", which means "to weave". Before the Industrial Revolution, textiles were made by hand in villages across China by individual families; carding, spinning and weaving all took place in farmhouses, indeed a loom could be found in every well-conditioned homestead. 




摄影:朱润资  Photo by Zhu Runzi




在过去的几百年间,纺织行业不断发展,而纺织的传统与精神反倒也得以绵延。Ms MIN谧思旻是由刘旻女士与Ian Hylton先生于2010年创立的独立设计师品牌,在面料选取和设计剪裁上具有极致的追求。


While the textile industry has certainly evolved over centuries, the traditions and original spirit of textile-making are kept alive. Launched in 2010 by Liu Min and Ian Hylton, Ms MIN is a young fashion brand that places emphasis on fabric and fit. 




摄影:朱润资  Photo by Zhu Runzi




如恩为Ms MIN谧思旻设计的零售空间,位于上海最受欢迎的商圈之一——太古里。如恩追溯布坊的概念,叙述了手工艺的温度、材料的丰富性,以及家庭生活,打造出具有传统家庭布坊氛围的诗意空间。


For their shop in Taikoo Li, one of Shanghai's most popular retail destinations, Neri&Hu harkens back to the notion of a traditional fabric atelier, showcasing craftsmanship, rich materiality, and a domestic sensibility.





The open grid, photo by Zhu Runzi




室内空间被划分为不同区域:右侧是由木结构组成的 “布坊工作室”,作为接待区域;左侧沿着窗户,悬挂于木结构之上的帷幔隔断出开放式的网格空间。这座“织物屏风”过滤且柔和了自然光线和人声喧闹,营造出一丝静谧之感。





Wooden structures, photo by Sanif Xu




Entering into the shop, the space is divided into several zones. To the right, the House is expressed as a wooden structure with overhanging eaves, and serves as a reception up front and studio area inside. Along the windows to the left, the same wooden structures form an open grid with cloths hanging in between as lightweight partitions. Natural daylight and the chaos of the shopping mall are filtered by the sheer fabric screens, giving the space an overall sense of calmness. 




摄影:朱润资  photo by Zhu Runzi






Ms MIN零售空间




业主:Ms MIN谧思旻






主持协理: 许健

设计团队:汤沐阳,王志康,石纯煜,余琪晨韵,Nicolas Fardet





艺术水泥:西慕Cement Design





Ms MIN Retail Space


Site Address: Taikoo Li, Shanghai, China

Date: January, 2022

Client: Ms MIN

Project Type: Interior, Product Design

Program: Retail

Gross area: 195 sqm


Partners-in-charge: Lyndon Neri, Rossana Hu

Associate-in-charge: Sanif Xu

Design team: Muyang Tang, Zhikang Wang, Amber Shi, Yoki Yu, Nicolas Fardet


Interior Design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office

Product Design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office


Coating: Cement Design西慕

Consultant Lighting: Viabizzuno (Shanghai)




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